To Know more about us

CARTOONLAND Creative Studio & Photography is founded by a group of experienced photographers and marketing professionals who understand the market demand of children photogrphy in Hong Kong. We, providing the original concept of fairy-tale photography services, help Hong Kong little girls to achieve their dream of becoming a princess in fairy tales, and experience romanit , mysterious story plot. With the high technology innovative studio, CTL designs different scenes according to different plot of the faily tales, and integrates photography into story books. Little girls will dress like a princess and take photos in the creative studiom and after the excellent photo touch-up techniques integrating the background illutrations and the photos perfectly by us, the little girls will substitue the princess in the screnes and become the main character of the storybook. The final product is not only and interesting fairy tale storybook, but also a fantastic tailor-made photo album, which is valuable and memorable.
CARTOONLAND Creative Studio & Photography 由一群對香港兒童攝影市場的需求有深度認知的攝影師和市場推廣專家組成。我們透過創新意念及特別攝影方法,為本港帶來獨有的創意童話攝影。
whatsapp: 69292363

The Most Memorable Shooting Experiences and Products
It is a photography production that features customers in simply stories told through picture like a comic. It recreates a fairy-tale in photography.
In a selected fairy-tale, children will wear the character costumes and play the roles in the stories. Plot development id done through picture. During the re-creation process, the children not only will become the princess of the fairy-tale but also understand the lesson behind the story.
The retold of the fairy-tale will be presented in a beautiful photo album where the main character of the story is the sweet heart of the family.
The creative fairy-tale photography can tell a story which its ending is far better and happier than its original. Ager the post-shooting photo touch-up as well as inserting English storyline descriptions, a fairy tale storybook belonging solely to the little girl is perfectly done. Since then, the little girl can own a storybook, of herself being the model, story-teller as well as reader, and share the joy with her family and friends.
製成品既是有趣的故事書,又是精美的個人攝影集,使小朋友成為童話故事男﹑女主角夢想成真。 小朋友能擁有一本屬於自己的童話故事書,并集模特兒,講故事﹑及閱讀於一身,興身邊的好朋友分享喜悅,極具紀念價值。
小朋友在整個拍攝過程中, 透過認識故事和體驗當中的情節,不但能實現小朋友的夢想,還能認識故事背後的人生道理,真切理解真善美,別有教育意義。我們致力打造最難忘的攝影體驗,讓小朋友一嘗當童話主角滋味之餘,也留下美好珍貴的一刻,日後再翻閱這獨一無二的攝影故意畫冊時,無論是家長,還是小朋友,都能回味這難能可貴的美好時光。